ITAKE DIVE Wtank.jpg

Normoxic Trimix Diver Course  198.000 yen

※After confirming the payment of these course reservation fees, the reservation will be completed. (In case of cancellation, no refund will be given)

Teaching material fee, application fee 24,200 yen

3 days minimum

35,000 yen / day if additional training is required

Courses are available in back mount and side mount.

Decompression time will be extended by training assuming diving up to a maximum depth of 60 m and deep diving using trimix gas mixed with helium gas (nomovic trimix with oxygen partial pressure of 18% to 21%). The stress caused by the darkness due to the depth and the decrease in water temperature will be more experienced than ever ... You should be able to feel stable breathing and skill improvement through consistent training.

Use 50% Nitrox to learn acceleration and decompression with gas switch skills.

As you get deeper, you need to perform various skills more accurately and quickly than before, which makes the training mentally tough.

Bladder (BCD) back plate & harness, cylinder, regulator and other equipment setup procedure (configuration) Land drill such as how to install and use ・ Diving physiology, diving physics, psychology, diving plan, decompression theory, Approximately 1 day to review the knowledge of inert gas coma, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc., such as decompression plan

Limited water area basic skills Neutral buoyancy, breathing method, fin kick, air shortage response skill, failure response skill Approximately half a day with stage cylinder handling, gas switch, gas consumption measurement, etc.

Marine training 4 dives Skill review, final dive is decompression diving Maximum water depth 60 m Decompression time varies depending on the plan Maximum 25 minutes


This course costs a separate tramix gas fee.

About 77,000 yen for a 12LW tank
